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Now downloading free:Tektronix Tektronix Spectrum Analysis Using Waveguide Mixers

Tektronix Tektronix Spectrum Analysis Using Waveguide Mixers free download

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CONf ENTS: I. Spectrum Analyzer Considerations Using External Waveguide Mixers II. Broadband Harmonic Waveguide Mixers . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ill. Using the 490 Series Spectrum Analyzers in the External Mixer Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1V. Specific Measurement Examples: 1 Gunn Oscillators 9 2. Klystrons 9 3. Irnpatt (avalanche) Diode Oscillators .. ... . . . 9 V. Waveguide Mixer Characteristics 1. Individual Mixer Electrical Characteristics . . 10 2. Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3. Individual Mixer Mechanical Characteristics . . . . . . . 11 Waveguide Mixers was wriifen by Spectrum Analysis Utti~ztng Bob dim. Design Engineer, and Len Garmff,Product Marketing Manager, Frequency Domain InstrumenZs, Tektmnix, Inc. opyright 8 1989 Tekbonlx, Im. All rlghls resewed. 1. Spectrum Analyzer Additionally, some type of signal The 492 Spectrum Analyzer provides Considerations Using identification is n e e d d to identify a drive level of + 7.0 dBm rnln1rnLlrn External Waveguide the desired IF response from images to + 15 dBm maximum through a and other harmonic conversion front panel SMA female connector Mixers products. and an external diplexer. Whether a measurement is made Spectrum measurements requiring A 3 dB power divider inside the 492 at audio frequencies or millimeter detailed analysis of highly stable mi- splits the LO power between the in- wavelengths, the spectrum analyzer crowave and millimeter wave so

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